This will convert it to a new 26 digit digital license key that will be permanently stored on your Games & Subscriptions page. Choose the specific issue you have from the list to the right and follow the directions on the new page. Click on 'CD-Key Issues' under the 'Technical support' headline. Click on the 'StarCraft' logo among the list of Blizzard games. Please redeem your 16 digit physical CD key on your account. Open a web browser and visit Click on 'Support' at the upper right of the page. You cannot use a 16 digits physical CD key to install online. To install Diablo II you must enter a Diablo II key. You cannot use a Lord of Destruction key to install Diablo II. If the online installer doesn't accept your key, make sure you are entering the correct one.
This is very useful, if like me youre have issues with the Windows 10 upgrade freezing and wa.
Then you will see the product key for the current Microsoft Office and operating system. Learn how to find your Windows 10 product key after upgrading. Im reinstalling my copy of SC as I type this, I think the cd key is located inside stardat.mpq and is decrypted whenever B.Net is launched. How to use ProduKey to get Microsoft Office product key: Step 1. There are several Starcraft 'cd key grabbers' out there, but I wouldnt waste my time with them, a lot of them arent trustworthy.
The online installer will ask you to enter your 26 digit license key -you can find your key on your Games & Subscriptions page. Unlike the EaseUS Key Finder, you can not use ProduKey to find product keys for non-Microsoft programs. Delete the old CD installer from your computer and download the latest installer from the Blizzard downloads page. If you still need to find this information, sign in to the Education Community website and follow these steps: Click My Account in the blue box on the right. You cannot install from CD anymore -your original 16 digits physical CD key will not work.
However, if you registered your physical copy of Diablo II on your account, your original 16 digits CD key was converted to a new 26 digit digital license key. When you install Diablo II from a CD, the installer will ask you to enter the 16 digits CD key found inside the box.